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Execution Excellence with Kanban

Webinar flow 2

In part one of this webinar series, ATK’s Gary Perkerwicz and Jim Gawtry take us through how they’ve been successful at improving Work Flows and Organizational Culture using Lean principles and Kanban systems over the past 2.5 years, not just in HR but in other parts of ATK as well.

[rankya_youtube_schema id=”QdgDsvD8SnY” videotitle=”Execution Excellence with Kanban” desc=”In part one of this webinar series, ATK’s Gary Perkerwicz and Jim Gawtry take us through how they’ve been successful at improving Work Flows and Organizational Culture using Lean principles and Kanban systems over the past 2.5 years, not just in HR but in other parts of ATK as well.” durationmin=”64″ durationsec=”41″ uplod=”2014-10-16″ rating=”TRUE”]

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