Video Tutorials

  1. Get to Know SwiftKanban in Less than 2 Minutes
  2. Introduction to SwiftKanban
  3. Creating a Kanban Board in SwiftKanban
  4. Modify Your Processes Using Lanes
  5. Smart Lanes in SwiftKanban
  6. Setting up Cycle Time Threshold
  7. Bulk Update in SwiftKanban

Get to Know SwiftKanban in Less than 2 Minutes

Here is a quick 90 seconds video on SwiftKanban, and how it can greatly benefit Product Development, IT and other business functions.

Introduction to SwiftKanban

SwiftKanban is a Web 2.0 visual Kanban Board with rich features supporting drag-n-drop, color-coded story cards, workitem classification, including Class of Service, WIP Limits definition, To-do lists as well as metrics dashboard and reports. It comes with a host of collaboration and control features. “Its simplicity at its best”.

Creating a Kanban Board in SwiftKanban

Creating a Board is just a few clicks in SwiftKanban and you can get started with setting up your team, backlog, and manage work on the Kanban board in your own workspace.

Modify Your Processes Using Lanes

Swift Kanban provides a highly configurable Kanban board designer using which you can map your value-streams in form of lanes/sub-lanes on the board, define WIP limits for lanes and track your work entirely using various features available in the Kanban board.

Smart Lane and its Settings in SwiftKanban

Smart Lanes add tremendous flexibility and visualization to the Kanban board. ‘Smart Lanes’ can be associated with various card attributes like Class Of Service, Priority or even Team Members. As the cards move from one Smart Lane to another, the values are also reset accordingly and vice-versa!

Setting up Cycle Time Threshold

Having a hard time remembering how long a card has been in a particular column?
Now, the cards get highlighted if they cross a particular threshold set by you.

Bulk Update in SwiftKanban

Using this feature, you can save time and effort by updating or performing multiple operations on a bulk of cards