Digité is supporting Regional Scrum Gathering India 2014


We’re pleased to announce that Digité is supporting the Regional Scrum Gathering®, India (RSGI) 2014 to be held next month – July 11, 12, in Hyderabad. With the theme of “Humane Scrum,” RSGI ’14 focuses on exploring techniques, tools, behaviors, and experiences that help bring about the mindset so essential to reaping the benefits of using Scrum in organizations small and large.

This will be a conclave of Scrum and Agile enthusiasts, CSTs and CSCs from across the world and particularly from South and South-East Asia.

It will consist of Carol McEwan, MD of Scrum Alliance will be joining us at the conference. Delegates will also be eligible to claim 16 SEUs towards their CSP certification and 16 PDUs towards PMP Certification. Also, if you register by June 30, 2014, using the discount code ‘Digite’, you will be eligible for a 20% discount. Seats are limited though, so, hurry!

For further information please click here or visit http://scrumgatheringindia.in.

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