Digite Sponsors ALM Expo 2010 – Agile, ALM and on the Cloud


Digite is proud to announce its sponsorship of the 2010 edition of the premier online ALM conference organized by CM/Crossroads – ALM-Expo 2010 – Agile, ALM and on the Cloud.

Speaking on the occasion, Mahesh Singh, Sr. VO – Product for Digite, said, “Amongst the Agile ALM vendors, Digite provides a comprehensive and compelling Application Lifecycle Management vision to organizations, whether they use Agile or traditional methods of software/ application development. Digite supports a variety of these methods, using a combination of its unique Process Governance capability combined with its SDLC features that enable SCRUM development as well as Iterative/ Waterfall type of projects. Our customers can manage applications from cradle to grave, using our integrated suite of products, which also integrate with such popular 3rd party tools as Subversion, Eclipse and Visual Studio.”

Digite’s integrated Agile ALM Software suite includes Process Governance, Project Portfolio Management and Software Development Lifecycle Management. The integrated SDLC Management features include Requirements & Change Management, Traceability, Test & Defect Management and out-of-the-box integrated support for IDEs and SCM tools such as Subversion, VSS, CVS, Eclipse and Visual Studio. Additionally, Digite provides a complete Agile module with support for the SCRUM methodology, that allows users to plan Releases and Iterations, in which they can pull in User Stories from the Product Backlog and plan Tasks against those user stories.

The most significant aspect of using Digite’s collaborative application is that it allows Digite customers to collaborate with their customers and suppliers for a wide variety of applications, software and systems development projects that they do.

To participate in the ALM Expo 2010, please visit http://www.cmcrossroads.com/alm-expo To learn more about Digite, visit our booth at the ALM-Expo.

To understand more about how Digite can help your organization with your IT/ software process improvement initiatives, please contact Digite Sales.

About Digite: Digite, Inc. is a leading provider of Lean/ Agile Application Lifecycle Management (Agile ALM) products and solutions for the Global Delivery Model. Digité Enterprise and Swift-Kanban are Digite’s flagship products that enable technology and project organizations successfully manage technology and other projects, products and applications through effective collaboration between globally distributed teams. Available in both SaaS and on-premise models, Digite provides all critical functions needed by distributed software teams in a collaborative, integrated, web-based platform. Digite is headquartered in Mountain View, CA. For further information, please contact [email protected] or 650-210-3949 or visit SwiftKanban.

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