Digite announces Scrumban and Tablet Support for Swift-Kanban!


Silicon Valley-based Lean/ Agile ALM vendor Digité announced v1.4.5 of its Swift-Kanban tool which introduces Scrumban features and support for Android and iOS Tablets.

Making the announcement to coincide with start of the Lean SSC 2012 conference, Digité co-founder and VP of Sales, Ram Subramanian said, “With this release, we are responding to requests from two prominent communities of our current and prospective users – Scrum teams and mobile users. We have seen some of the highest excitement about Kanban in Scrum teams who want to benefit from the use of Kanban as well! Scrum teams evaluating Kanban tools will find the new Swift-Kanban the perfect match for their Scrum and Kanban needs! At the same time, users who are mobile will now be to stay in touch with their teams and projects and do most of the common tasks using their Apple or Android tablets.”

Digité co-founder and Sr. VP – Product, Mahesh Singh added, “Whether you call it Scrumban or Scrum and Kanban, there is a clear requirement for some of our customers to be able to use Scrum capabilities in a tool such as ours. Kanban itself is a process or system for improving whatever you do – be it waterfall, iterative or Scrum. With this release, I believe we have provided the strongest Scrum(ban) support amongst all Kanban tools in the market today! Scrum teams will finally have a single integrated tool where they can benefit from Kanban while using Scrum processes.”

Providing details on the Scrum features Nitin Ramrakhyani, Director of Product Management added, “One of the greatest challenges Scrum teams face is the lack of the time-box – the iteration or scrum. They also have specific requirements around time/ effort tracking and then reporting on iteration level burn-down and velocity reports. In this release of Swift-Kanban, we have introduced release and iteration planning, time capture and burn-down/ burn-up reports. We will enhance these with additional features in the next few months.”

Swift-Kanban is a leading Lean/ Agile Project Management software that uses the Kanban method to enable teams and projects manage their work in a highly visual and effective manner. Using a highly interactive and visually appealing user interface, Swift-Kanban provides the perfect electronic alternative to physical Kanban boards to teams that are distributed or are looking at the electronic version for better collaboration, automated metrics and the ability to show real-time progress on work to multiple stake-holders. Organizations across a wide variety of industry verticals – IT and non-IT – are able to use Swift-Kanban for implementing Kanban driven improvements in their business processes. Swift-Kanban is being used by teams in IT-Ops and Dev, Engineering, HR, marketing as well as insurance.

For complete details on Swift-Kanban, please visit https://www.digite.com/swiftkanban/ or contact [email protected]

About Digite:

Digite, Inc. is a leading provider of Lean/ Agile Application Lifecycle Management (Agile ALM) products and solutions for the Global Delivery Model. Digité Enterprise and Swift-Kanban are Digite’s flagship products that enable technology and project organizations successfully manage technology and other projects, products and applications through effective collaboration between globally distributed teams. Available in both SaaS and on-premise models, Digite provides all critical functions needed by distributed software teams in a collaborative, integrated, web-based platform.

Digite is headquartered in Mountain View, CA.

For further information, please contact marketing(at)digite(dot)com or 650-210-3949 or
visit SwiftKanban or Digite.

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