August 21, 2017
Backlog Refinement

7 Factors for running an effective Kanban Replenishment Meeting

In a blog post called Kanban Cadences, David Anderson laid out a set of 7 Kanban cadences or meetings that provide comprehensive opportunities for feedback, planning, and review in an enterprise. Some of these were already identified in his original blue book, Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business, some were identified later and put together in this post.
August 20, 2017
Kanban Is The Solution1

Portfolio Kanban for Enterprise Transformation

Solving the Insulation Challenge of Managed Transformation
August 17, 2017

ESP Compared to Kanban Method

David Anderson is a thought leader and pioneer in the field of Lean/ Kanban for Software Development and managing effective software teams. (View David’s profile) We are honored to publish this blog post from David where he compared Enterprise Services Planning (ESP) with Kanban.
August 14, 2017
Kanban Screen1

Route to Enterprise Scale Agility

Competitiveness in the age of digital disruption requires businesses to achieve agility at scale - not in select projects and portfolios alone, but across functions, across the business. The approaches to achieving enterprise-wide agility are keenly debated. I caught up with Kanban pioneer David Anderson on the sidelines of Lean Kanban Central Europe and Lean Kanban India last year and asked him about his thoughts.  Here are some interesting highlights from there.
June 28, 2017
Akt Sk Blog1

SwiftKanban/ SwiftESP for AKTs and KCPs

Last week, my colleague Navin and I had the pleasure and - indeed - the honor of meeting some of the best minds in Europe at the Kanban Leadership Retreat at Mayrhofen, Austria!
June 26, 2017
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Allocating WIP Limits for a Kanban System

I have seen people focus a lot on what the WIP limit should be for a Value Stream stage of a Kanban system. However, once the WIP limit is known, I haven’t seen much thought going into where to put those WIP limits. Hence, this blog!
June 20, 2017
Flow Efficiency Formula1

Flow Efficiency: A Great Metric you Probably Aren’t Using

We are deeply honored to publish this post on Flow Efficiency written by Julia Wester for Lean Kanban University. In this blog, Julia explains the importance of the Flow Efficiency metric, how to calculate it and how to improve it in a Kanban system.
May 19, 2017
Pareto Analysis1

How to Eliminate Muda From Your Kanban System?

The main objectives of the Toyota Production system, which is one of the primary sources of inspiration for Kanban for knowledge work, were to get rid of overburden (muri) and inconsistency (mura), and eliminate waste (muda) from your system. Any system/ business process you are using to develop products or offer services will have a certain amount of waste generated. All the current Kanban products in the market including SwiftKanban have mapped most of the basic principles of Kanban like Limiting Work-in-Progress (WIP), visualization, flow and so on. However, very few of these products have helped identify and measure the waste in your process.
May 5, 2017
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Making Bulk Updates on the Kanban Board

On many occasions, you might need to or want to update multiple cards on your Kanban board at once. But doing this manually can be very tedious and boring too!