How to get your Kanban initiative Back on Track

Like many other change initiatives, Kanban too can falter. You either run into various forms of internal organizational/ cultural resistance. Or, you realize that your Kanban board no longer represents what your team actually does! In this webinar, Christophe Achouiantz explain why that is a good thing and that your Kanban system is giving you valuable insights and prompting you to take action!

[rankya_youtube_schema id=”KwrwkQyxg1U” videotitle=”How to get your Kanban initiative Back on Track” desc=”Like many other change initiatives, Kanban too can falter. You either run into various forms of internal organizational/ cultural resistance. Or, you realize that your Kanban board no longer represents what your team actually does! In this webinar, Christophe Achouiantz explain why that is a good thing and that your Kanban system is giving you valuable insights and prompting you to take action!” durationmin=”61″ durationsec=”05″ uplod=”2018-03-22″ rating=”TRUE”]

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