Swiftly Interactive Demo


Go ahead – test drive Swiftly right here! (this is an interactive DEMO)

(Scroll down for tips on how to work with the Demo.)

Demo Tips:

Drag and change the date range on the CFD you see at the bottom of the screen below. See the charts change dynamically as you modify and drag the filter.

Switch between the various tabs to see the various aspects of your data.

Switch between the various tabs to see the various aspects of your data

Swiftly Data Analytics 1
Swiftly Filter 1

Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)

The Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) provides a graphic depiction of how cards are moving through various statuses on the way to being ‘Done’. It shows us the total scope of a board, grouped by status, and thus lets us know how much of that scope is in a particular status at a given time. The CFD in SwiftKanban helps to track the performance of the board and how close you are to completing the board on a whole.

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