February 11, 2014
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How do you use Kanban in a Fixed Duration/ Fixed Cost Project?

This is a common dilemma for teams wanting to use Kanban for 'fixed price, fixed cost" projects.  On the one hand, you have a business demand to commit up-front to a timeline and scope (and cost) to deliver a product; on the other hand, you have a promising tool – Kanban – that completely does away with any concept of time (or scope) bucketing but yet promises higher value and better quality to the customer.
February 10, 2014
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SwiftKanban 3.5.2

Hello again! We've improved our card search capabilities with this update and you now have the ability to track throughput for every Smart Lane!
February 6, 2014
Sk Calendar Help1

Who needs a Calendar in a Kanban system?!

Sometime back, we published a blog post Due Dates in Kanban Systems – which drew some flak from some folks who objected to the line of reasoning in that post. However, one of the commenters made a good point – that it made sense to have Due Dates in a Kanban system if in fact the process being visualized on the Kanban board already needed Due Dates.
October 25, 2013
Blog Post

Visual Requirements Management with Kanban

There is a lot of attention given to Lean/ Agile product development teams around the work done and the (Lean/ Agile) processes adopted in by the Dev team once a set of features (backlog items) have been identified for a set of sprints (scrums) and/ or Releases.
November 21, 2012
Big Fat Kanban1

My Big Fat Indian-American Thanksgiving – Kanban to the Rescue!

Thanksgiving each year is a big occasion for our family and friends – to get together and eat, drink and be merry – and of course, be grateful for what we have! Yet, right before that, during the days leading up to it, there is a sense of angst that builds up as one question occupies the hosts’ – and the rest of the people cooking (we always do it Potluck) – mind – “What shall be the menu for the Big Day??!!”
November 7, 2012
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Implementing Kanban? Start with Yourself!

While Kanban is an evolutionary (non-disruptive) change management process, the fact is that it requires a change in organizational and management practices and behavior that can be daunting.  The best place to begin that change is at a personal level.  We are deeply honored to have Jim Benson - the father of Personal Kanban - write a guest blog for us that emphasizes precisely that and helps you get started!
May 14, 2012
Product Updates

Digite announces Scrumban and Tablet Support for Swift-Kanban!

Silicon Valley-based Lean/ Agile ALM vendor Digité announced v1.4.5 of its Swift-Kanban tool which introduces Scrumban features and support for Android and iOS Tablets.
May 4, 2012
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Kanban – Evolutionary or Revolutionary?!

One of the key benefits that David Anderson, the renowned Kanban thought-leader and father of the Kanban Method for software development highlights about Kanban is that it is evolutionary and not revolutionary.  That is to say, it does not introduce a humongous new set of processes in an organization and cause massive disruption like traditional methods have tended to do.
April 3, 2012
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Kanban says PULL, don´t PUSH

Kanban says PULL, don't PUSH - and folks, the discussion is not even about Bullying!