April 11, 2022

Digital Transformation – How it is Changing the way Organizations Work?

Digital transformation is a hot topic in the business world, and for good reasons. There are a myriad of articles out there from companies that have been successful with digital transformation. To really understand what digital transformation can do, we must first know what it is. So, let’s look at the definition of digital transformation.
April 5, 2022

Aligning OKRs to PPM and Execution

There has been a rapid increase in the interest around bringing together outcomes (via OKRs), financial and portfolio planning (via PPM systems) and execution tracking (from EAP and DevOps systems). However, in a typical enterprise, these functions are all set up, planned and tracked in different systems; how then, can we get a unified view of how (and if) our projects are moving the needle on the business outcomes? Complicating this view is the fact that achieving a business outcome is not a direct result of project execution success; what data then needs to flow through the system, so that stakeholders have visibility into progress, and adjust and allocate resources accordingly? In a recent webinar we hosted, Avinash Rao, VP - Product Management at Digite talked about why and how modern businesses have to align their OKRs to PPM and execution systems and create optionality. This article summarizes the ideas he shared and we hope you enjoy and learn from this reading.
March 3, 2022

Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management: Which One is Better for Your Business?

The Waterfall and Agile methods of project management are often pitted against each other. And for good reason - the former is the oldest and the latter the most popular in recent times. The two methods are based on significantly different ideologies and have found their niche across industries.
February 8, 2022

Top Project Management Conferences and Events of 2022

Conferences are a great time to connect with peers in the project management industry, learn about new ideas in your industry, and find partners with whom you can work in the future. It is also a great way to learn about current & future trends, as well as gain insight from industry leaders and professionals.
February 7, 2022

7 Reasons to Invest in Project Management Software

John dreads his Friday evenings. It is that time of the week when he tries to track the progress of his team of thirty, spread out across the country, working on a mega project to migrate the company’s on-premise infrastructure to the cloud. He feels overwhelmed as he spends all weekend sifting through hundreds of emails, chat messages, spreadsheets, printouts and even sticky notes to put together a coherent picture of where the team stands on the project front. Are they on track to finish setting up the cloud database by next Thursday? Is his team overworked (well, he certainly is!)? Will adding that extra replica exceeds their budget? Will he be able to spare a team member to work on that long-pending patch? With more questions than answers, John wonders about his performance and that of the team he manages. John’s boss has similar concerns about his team of managers. So does John’s boss’s boss and so on.
December 20, 2021

7 Benefits of using Chatbots For Customer Support

Chatbots have now become an indispensable part of human lives. Today's consumer demand for better, faster and more personalized interaction. Chatbots are programmed to react to queries with quick answers in nanoseconds. One cannot imagine meeting customer's expectations without chatbots in the business.
December 14, 2021

No Species for an Agile Mindset!

We are all too familiar with this scenario - the team follows all the structure, processes and methods that are recommended for Agile, but we have this sinking “feeling” that the team is not Agile, something seems amiss.
December 7, 2021

Why Customer Service Should Be Automated?

If you receive a high volume of customer requests every day and it outperforms your team’s ability to resolve these requests. Automated customer service will be able to solve questions and free up resources for your support team. Gone are the days when customer service was a one-on-one interaction between a consumer and a business.
November 19, 2021

13 Best Kanban Software/ Tools for Project Management in 2024

In today’s business environment, organizations need to be Agile and flexible enough to keep up with fast-growing market demands. Your work management structure needs to provide a clear plan, process and responsibilities so that critical initiatives can be delivered on time and on budget. With these challenges in mind, Agile and Lean management methods are gaining traction around the world. Taking a fresh approach to an old concept, the core concepts/ principles of Kanban remain a way to easily implement Agile and promote enterprise agility.