February 25, 2022
Newsletter February 2022

Digité February 2022 Newsletter

From pitching new ideas for new products or features and getting stakeholder alignment on prioritizing them, to working with different teams in order to bring those ideas to life and ensuring that the product ultimately caters to the needs of its target customers, product managers play a crucial role in each and every step of the product life cycle. They take care of the changing demands of the business for newer capabilities and technologies and maintain the product roadmap that ultimately helps the business meet its market and business objectives. In a nutshell, product managers are responsible for managing the entire Product Vision for an organization.
January 28, 2022

Digité January 2022 Newsletter

Project and work management practices that were once standard are slowly being replaced by modern solutions. New and transformative technologies entering the modern workplace are enabling businesses to innovate and thrive in the digital/ hybrid world. The key to their success, however, lies in the effective implementation of a digital workplace strategy that helps teams and leadership truly adapt to the new world.
December 22, 2021

Digité December 2021 Newsletter

2021 is coming to an end, teaching us a lot about recovering from the challenging times we all have gone through. This year, while working remotely, we came out with new releases of SwiftEnterprise, completed 10 successful years of SwiftKanban, and also sponsored multiple events across the world including Kanban Brazil, FlowConf Turkey, and Kanban India.
November 22, 2021
Keyword Based Chatbot

Digité November 2021 Newsletter

AI and Machine Learning are becoming a big part of Digital Transformation initiatives in enterprises across the world. Businesses are looking to catapult to higher levels of engagement and effective communication with their customers/users with website-based chatbots becoming a popular method to do so. Chatbots can exchange text messages or employ speech synthesis and speech analysis, and act as self-service tools while also assisting real people with handling multiple conversations.
October 14, 2021
Kanban Teams 1

Digité October 2021 Newsletter

These days, there aren’t too many organizations that are not implementing a Lean or Agile initiative! Usually, most of them implement a mix or a combination of Scrum, Kanban and XP at the team level, or a scaled agile method such as SAFe or LeSS on a larger scale. It is essential that they find the right fit, as each method has its proponents as well as detractors. Depending on the nature of the business, leadership style and culture, etc., teams may find some methods better suited than others for their organization.
September 21, 2021
Flow Productivity 1

Digité September 2021 Newsletter

Achieving Flow in your teams’ work - and in fact the overall organization - has been gaining ground over the last several years. Adopting Lean and Flow principles has become integral to using the Kanban Method, Value Stream Management as well as in Scaled Agile methods such as SAFe, and is being seen clearly as a significant catalyst to achieving Organizational/ Business Agility. With the recent 5.1 release, SAFe(R) has fully integrated Flow metrics which have long been espoused by the Kanban community.
August 20, 2021
Sk10 Ann

Digité August 2021 Newsletter

It’s a month of celebration at Digité, as SwiftKanban turns 10! Exactly a decade ago, SwiftKanban, a project very dear to everyone at Digité, made a small, yet inspired entry to the field of Kanban software. For the past decade, we have strived to make SwiftKanban a better experience for you, and continue to do so. In this month’s newsletter, we speak exclusively about SwiftKanban - how the journey has been, and what’s new for you, among other things!
July 23, 2021
User Stories Sprints 1

Digité July 2021 Newsletter

The importance of Agile ceremonies, whether you are doing Scrum or and Kanban cannot be overemphasized. By facilitating regular and frequent communication amongst team members and stakeholders, these ceremonies ensure effective collaboration and improved feedback loops, and are critical for truly becoming agile. Some of the common ceremonies are Backlog Refinement, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Replenishment, Retrospectives and other such meetings. In this month’s newsletter, we take a closer look at some of these. Do let us know which of these have been crucial in your agile journey!
June 17, 2021
Ai Digital

Digité June 2021 Newsletter

Did you know that Digité is an acronym for ‘Digital Transformation of the Enterprise’? That is a bit of trivia we have talked about on our website! We have facilitated organizations to take advantage of the internet and various other technologies to help them go digital over the last 2 decades using Lean/ Agile planning and execution tools and methods!