January 19, 2021
Discover Kanban

Discovering Discovery Kanban

Have you ever heard that the Kanban Method was designed to support a team's work in the systems' maintenance area? Yes, we've heard it too.
January 18, 2021
Kanban Agility Transformation

Experiences in how Kanban contributes to Agility Transformation

In this webinar, Masa K Maeda, who took Kanban to numerous companies in over 10 countries, will share some of his experiences for successful agility adoption that includes Kanban in situations such as:
January 8, 2021
Se 7.9

SwiftEnterprise 7.9 Release Webinar

Over the last few SwiftEnterprise releases, we introduced capabilities that helped build and track Agile programs effectively. We had also significantly enhanced our team level Agile execution capabilities. With SwiftEnterprise 7.9 we've focused on bridging the gap between these two levels by helping you estimate your work and plan its delivery to the business with the guidance of past performance
November 23, 2020
Home Speaker David Anderson1

Kanban comes of age! In these times that demand organizational resilience, the Kanban Maturity Model is here to help

Organizational maturity enables resilience. An ability to bounce back, to withstand setbacks, and to reinvent itself, is what this decade demands. Kanban should be at the core of our organizational design strategy in these tough economic times.
November 19, 2020
Business Agility 2

Forecasting: Asking the right questions for Business Agility

Forecasting in the Lean-Agile community has never had a prominent place. However, forecasts need to be made all the time for multiple stakeholders. Management needs to plan for many things - how many people do we need, of what skills, how much will it cost, etc.
November 10, 2020
Business Agility 2 1

SwiftKanban – Product Updates and Roadmap

SwiftKanban has made rapid strides in the last 12 months. From new features to support the Upstream process by introducing capabilities for Story Mapping and improvements in Release/ Sprint planning, to strengthening the Downstream execution by adding sophisticated options for automatic % progress computation, SwiftKanban has reinforced its position in the marketplace as a leading Kanban product.
November 4, 2020
Swiftenterprise 7.5 2

SwiftEnterprise 7.5 Release Webinar

Our recent releases have focused on helping you manage your Agile programs efficiently. SwiftEnteprise 7.5 takes this one step further with the introduction of the Agile Program Management dashboard.
October 30, 2020
Getting To Yes

Getting to Yes – Feedback and Replenishment in Kanban

In this webinar Joey will explain how feedback from a Kanban system can inform and develop how you replenish a Kanban system with a goal for getting to “yes”.
October 14, 2020
Untangling Business Processes Through The Kanban Lens

Untangling Business Processes through the Kanban Lens

The IT services of a large research hospital, which recently adopted Kanban, is typical of many large business organizations. Multiple user groups, internal technical departments, regulatory and safety authorities, as well as external contractors, collaborate to respond to a wide range of IT requests, ranging from the installations of tablets and printers on hospital wards, through to the technical infrastructure for new buildings and diagnostic facilities.