Service Description: KanbanCardService
Service EPR:
Service Status : Active

Available Operations:

Note: Any mention of Iteration or Project in any Web Service operations are equivalent to Sprint or Board in the SwiftKanban User Interface (UI).


Input Elements

Description Creates a new card
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
mode Not used as of now
fields List of fields with name and value for each field. Field name will be available from the getCardMetadata method. The type of value to be passed information will be available in the same method. If the field is of the list of value (LOV) type pass any relevantLOVitem value.
Example: name=cardSize and its value = M
Output If successful, the response returns details of new card added.

Input response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<kan:field name="name">test defect</kan:field>
<kan:field name="cardSize">M</kan:field>
<kan:field name="classOfService">Expedite</kan:field>
<kan:field name="Category">PM</kan:field>
<kan:field name="currentOwner"></kan:field>

Output Response Example

<ns:getCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:field ns:name="id">606748</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="name">test defect</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="priority">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="defectType">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="severity">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="rootCause">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentState">Active</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="release">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentOwner_userId"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentOwner">Ravi Tiwari</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentQueue">Backlog</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="createdBy"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="createdDate">2015-08-31T09:19:52Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="modifiedBy"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="modifiedDate">2015-08-31T09:19:52Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workspaceType">KanbanProject</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workspaceId">1540764</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="cardSize">M</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="classOfService">Expedite</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="defectNumber">DEF31</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="Category">PM</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workType">KanbanDefect</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="Hot_Fix_Release">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="HF_Merged">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="summaryType">leaf</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="dateIdentified">2015-08-31T09:19:52Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="iteration">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="ExternalCardId">DEF31</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentSwimId">N/A</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentSwimName">N/A</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentQueueId">N/A</ns:field>

Note: currentSwimId, currentSwimName, and currentQueueId have values as N/A because the card is created in backlog.
Note2:  addCard method (SOAP) and post method of CardService (REST Url: /card-operations/boards/{boardId}/cards) of webservice will add cards based on the Board Policy of the default lane configuration. Like web application, If the default column for card addition in the Board policy is not set, then the card, added via the SOAP or REST webservice will be placed in the Backlog. If the policy is set to a specific column then the card will be added in that column only.


Input Elements

Description Fetches card details
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add card response
Output If successful, the response returns details of a particular card.

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>

Output Request Example

<ns:getCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:field ns:name="id">606543</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="name">defect1</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="priority">Low</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="defectType">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="severity">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="rootCause">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentState">Active</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="release">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentOwner_userId"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentOwner">Ravi Tiwari</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentQueue">Ready</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="createdBy"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="createdDate">2015-08-27T05:11:25Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="modifiedBy"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="modifiedDate">2015-08-31T08:23:17Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workspaceType">KanbanProject</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workspaceId">1540764</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="resolvedBy">Unassigned</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="cardSize">M</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="classOfService">Standard Class</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="defectNumber">DEF23</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="Category">Platform</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="FoundInRelease">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workType">KanbanDefect</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="Hot_Fix_Release">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="HF_Merged">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="summaryType">leaf</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="dateIdentified">2015-08-27T05:11:25Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="iteration">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="smartLane">Kanban board</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="ExternalCardId">DEF23</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentSwimId">1547904</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentSwimName">Kanban board</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentQueueId">1599633</ns:field>

Note: In case if the card is not on the board, then the value for currentSwimId, currentSwimName and currentQueueId will be N/A.


Input Elements

Description Fetches a list of cards on applying a filter
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
FilterType Type of filter
Example: compund
Output If successful, the response returns a list of cards on applying a filter.

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<kan:FilterType kan:type="compound">
<kan:filterGroup kan:op="or">
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="CurrentQueue" kan:criteria="=" kan:value="Backlog"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="CurrentQueue" kan:criteria="=" kan:value="Ready"/>
<kan:filterGroup kan:op="and">
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="priority" kan:criteria="=" kan:value="Medium"/>

Output Response Example

<ns:getCardsByFilterResponse xmlns:ns="">
 <ns:Card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST1" ns:cardId="520098"/>
 <ns:Card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST19" ns:cardId="522507"/>

Valid Criteria

Integer, Long, Double, Date itemType = , != , <= , >= , < , >
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field=”classOfService” kan:criteria=”!=” kan:value=”Expedite”/>
String itemType = , != , contains, !contains, startsWith, endsWithcontains, !contains, startsWith, endsWith have been introduced in SwiftKanban v. 4.14.
Example: <kan:FilterAttribute kan:field=”name” kan:criteria=”startsWith” kan:value=”user”/>
String itemType used in lookup fields =, !=
Example: <kan:FilterAttribute kan:field=”classOfService” kan:criteria=”!=” kan:value=”Expedite”/>
Person (currentOwner, createdBy, modifiedBy and others), KanbanRelease, KanbanIteration, Boolean itemType = , !=
<Require an example>

Sample of Valid Input Response

<kan:FilterType kan:type="compound">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<kan:filterGroup kan:op="and">
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="name" kan:criteria="startsWith" kan:value="user"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="name" kan:criteria="endsWith" kan:value="card"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="description" kan:criteria="!contains" kan:value="defect"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="smartLane" kan:criteria="contains" kan:value="Kanban board"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="Priority" kan:criteria="=" kan:value="Low"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="classOfService" kan:criteria="!=" kan:value="Expedite"/>

Sample of Valid Output Response

<ns:getCardsByFilterResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:Card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST1" ns:CreationDate="2017-02-23T09:40:18Z" ns:ModifiedDate="2017-02-23T09:49:51Z" ns:cardId="618069"/>

Sample of Invalid Input Response

<kan:FilterType kan:type="compound">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<kan:filterGroup kan:op="and">
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="name" kan:criteria=">" kan:value="user"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="description" kan:value="card"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="Priority" kan:criteria="contains" kan:value="Low"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="classOfService" kan:criteria="endsWith" kan:value="Expedite"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="currentOwner" kan:criteria="contains" kan:value="[email protected]"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="release" kan:criteria=">=" kan:value="release 4.14"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="manualProgress" kan:criteria="startsWith" kan:value="1"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="iteration" kan:criteria="=" kan:value="iteration"/>

Sample of Invalid Output Response

Note: If you enter any invalid criteria in your input response (refer the above row), the output response will display error message instead of empty result. See the instances of error messages in the following response.

<ns:getCardsByFilterResponse xmlns:ns="">
<kan:getCardsByFilterInput xmlns:kan="">
<kan:FilterType kan:type="compound">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<kan:filterGroup kan:op="and">
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:criteria=">" kan:field="name" kan:value="user"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:field="description" kan:value="card"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:criteria="contains" kan:field="Priority" kan:value="Low"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:criteria="endsWith" kan:field="classOfService" kan:value="Expedite"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:criteria="contains" kan:field="currentOwner" kan:value="[email protected]"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:criteria=">=" kan:field="release" kan:value="release 4.14"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:criteria="startsWith" kan:field="manualProgress" kan:value="1"/>
<kan:FilterAttribute kan:criteria="=" kan:field="iteration" kan:value="iteration"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Invalid criteria : > in FilterAttribute tag for field : name"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="criteria attribute is mandatory in FilterAttribute tag for field : description"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Invalid criteria : contains in FilterAttribute tag for field : Priority"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Invalid criteria : endswith in FilterAttribute tag for field : classOfService"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Invalid criteria : contains in FilterAttribute tag for field : currentOwner"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Invalid criteria : >= in FilterAttribute tag for field : release"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Invalid criteria : startswith in FilterAttribute tag for field : manualProgress"/>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Invalid field value : iteration in FilterAttribute tag for field : iteration"/>


Input Elements

Description Moves a card across lanes on board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
cardUniqueId card unique Id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 5698
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
fromQkeyId Id of queue from where you want to move the card
Example: 23046
toQkeyId Id of the queue to where you want to move the card
Example: 23047
fromSwimId Id of the swim lane where the card exists now
Example: 10456
toSwimId Id of the swim lane to where you want to move the card
Example: 10456
Output If successful, the response returns a list of cards on applying a filter

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>

Output Response Example

<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<ns:moveCardOnBoardResponse xmlns:ns="">


Input Elements

Description Blocks a card on board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add / update / get card response
Example: 5698
blockComment comment text giving details for doing comment
Example: Not able to reproduce the defect
Output If successful blocks the card on the board

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<kan:blockComment>in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus</kan:blockComment>

Output Response Example

<ns:blockCardResponse xmlns:ns="">


Input Elements

Description Unblocks a blocked card on board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 5698
unblockComment Reason for unblocking
Example: Reproducible on dev server
Output If successful unblocks a blocked card on the board

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:unblockCardResponse xmlns:ns="">


Input Elements

Description Moves a card from backlog/archive to board to any queue and swim lane provided in request
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
cardUniqueId card unique Id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 5698
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
queueId Ready queue Id that you will get from getSmartLaneDetails
Example: 23045
swimId Swim lane Id to which the Ready queue belongs
Example: 10456
Output If successful, the card is moved to the Ready queue of a given swim lane

Input Response Elements

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Elements

<ns:moveCardtoReadyResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:result ns:CardType="KanbanDefect" ns:cardUniqueId="520158" ns:CurrentQueue="Ready" />


Input Elements

Description Moves a card from board to the backlog
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 5698
Output If successful moves a card from board to the backlog

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:moveCardToBacklogResponse xmlns:ns="">


Input Elements

Description Fetches details of card of only selected fields passed in request
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 5698
FieldNames List of field names for which the details to be fetched. Get the field names from
getCardMetada method
Example: names = cardSize,classOfService,description
Output If successful returns details of card of only selected fields passed in request

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Output Response Example

<ns:getCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:field ns:name="id">520158</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentQueue">Backlog</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="defectNumber">DEF3</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="release">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="iteration">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="ExternalCardId">DEF3</ns:field>


Input Elements

Description Fetches details of cards modified in a given time interval. If the end date is null it will take the current system date and time as the end date.
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
startDate ISO date for Cards created from this date
Example: 2013-02-01T08:34:23Z
endDate ISO date for Cards created till this date
Example: 2013-02-07T10:34:00Z
Output If successful returns details of cards modified in a given time interval

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:getCardsModifiedSincedateResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:Card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST1" ns:CreationDate="2012-01-16T09:35:12Z" ns:ItemId="520178" ns:ModifiedDate="2012-01-16T09:35:12Z"/>
<ns:Card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST2" ns:CreationDate="2012-01-16T09:35:12Z" ns:ItemId="520179" ns:ModifiedDate="2012-03-30T04:17:23Z"/>


Input Elements

Description Archives a particular card on the board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique Id that you will get in add / update / get card response
Output If successful archives the card on the board

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>

Output Response Example

<ns:archiveCardResponse xmlns:ns=””>


Input Elements

Description Updates selected fields of a card passed in request
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 5698
fields List of fields with name and value for each field. Field name will be available from the getCardMetadata method. The type of value to be passed information will be available in the same method. If the field is of LOV type, pass any relevant LOV item value.
Example: name=cardSize and its value = L
Output If successful updates selected fields of a card passed in request

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:field name="priority">High</kan:field>

Output Response Example

<ns:getCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:field ns:name="id">606543</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="name">defect1</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="priority">High</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="defectType">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="severity">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="rootCause">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentState">Active</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="release">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentOwner_userId"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentOwner">Ravi Tiwari</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentQueue">Ready</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="createdBy"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="createdDate">2015-08-27T05:11:25Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="modifiedBy"></ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="modifiedDate">2015-08-31T09:25:08Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workspaceType">KanbanProject</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workspaceId">1540764</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="resolvedBy">Unassigned</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="cardSize">M</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="classOfService">Standard Class</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="defectNumber">DEF23</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="Category">Platform</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="FoundInRelease">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="workType">KanbanDefect</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="Hot_Fix_Release">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="HF_Merged">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="summaryType">leaf</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="dateIdentified">2015-08-27T05:11:25Z</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="iteration">0</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="smartLane">Kanban board</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="ExternalCardId">DEF23</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentSwimId">1547904</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentSwimName">Kanban board</ns:field>
<ns:field ns:name="currentQueueId">1599633</ns:field>

Note: In case if the card is not on the board, then the value for currentSwimId, currentSwimName and currentQueueId will be N/A.


Input Elements

Description Fetches details of smart lanes on board.
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
Output If successful returns names and Ids of smart lanes on a board along with name and Id of every  queue in each swim lane

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:getSmartLaneDetailsResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:projectId ns:projectId="104"/>
<ns:isSmartLanesEnabled ns:isSmartLanesEnabled="N"/>
<ns:SwimLane ns:laneId="1546990" ns:laneName="Kanban board">
<ns:queue ns:displayName="Ready" ns:isParent="N" ns:queueId="1605318" ns:queueName="Ready"/>
<ns:queue ns:displayName="Develop#In-Progress" ns:isParent="N" ns:queueId="1605320" ns:queueName="In-Progress"/>
<ns:queue ns:displayName="Validate" ns:isParent="N" ns:queueId="1605322" ns:queueName="Validate"/>
<ns:queue ns:displayName="Approve" ns:isParent="N" ns:queueId="1605323" ns:queueName="Approve"/>


Input Elements

Description Creates multiple new cards
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
fields List of fields with name and value for each field. Field name will be available from the getCardMetadata method. The type of value to be passed information will be available in the same method. If the field is of LOV type, pass any relevant LOV item value.
Example: name=cardSize and its value = L
Output If successful, the response returns details of new cards added

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<kan:field name="currentOwner">[email protected]</kan:field>
<kan:field name="name">test add card 1</kan:field>
<kan:field name="cardSize">M</kan:field>
<kan:field name="priority">High</kan:field>
<kan:field name="Category">Product</kan:field>
<kan:field name="currentOwner">[email protected]</kan:field>
<kan:field name="name">test add card 2</kan:field>
<kan:field name="cardSize">S</kan:field>
<kan:field name="priority">Medium</kan:field>
<kan:field name="Category">PM</kan:field>
<kan:field name="classOfService">Expedite</kan:field>

Output Response Example

<ns:addMultipleCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card added successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card added successfully</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements

Description Updates selected fields of the multiple cards passed in request
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 606645
fields List of fields with name and value for each field. Field name will be available from the getCardMetadata method. The type of value to be passed information will be available in the same method. If the field is of LOV type, pass any relevant LOV item value.
Example: name=cardSize and its value = L
Output If successful, updates selected fields of the multiple cards passed in the request.

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<kan:field name="name">Issue modified</kan:field>
<kan:field name="priority">Critical</kan:field>

Output Response Example

<ns:updateMultipleCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card updated successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card updated successfully</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements 

Description Archives particular cards on the board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 606645
fields List of fields with name and value for each field. Field name will be available from the getCardMetadata method. The type of value to be passed information will be available in the same method. If the field is of LOV type, pass any relevant LOV item value.
Example: name=cardSize and its value = L
Output If successful, archives the particular cards on the board

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:archiveMultipleCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card Archived successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card Archived successfully</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements

Description Fetches multiple card details
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 8
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add card response
Output If successful, the response returns details of a particular card.

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->

Output Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
 <ns:getMultipleCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
 <ns:field ns:name="cardNumber">DCMG1</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="name">Document card</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentOwner_userId">[email protected]</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentOwner">Dinanath Parab</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="priority">Medium</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="classOfService">Standard Class</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="cardSize">M</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentState">Active</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="summaryType">leaf</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="release">0</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="workType">DCMG</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentQueue">Ready</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="tags">0</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="smartLane">Kanban Board</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="createdBy">[email protected]</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="createdDate">2018-12-03T03:42:03Z</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="modifiedBy">[email protected]</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="modifiedDate">2018-12-03T03:43:55Z</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="workspaceType">KanbanProject</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="workspaceId">1546781</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="id">1538568</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="dateIdentified">2018-12-03T03:42:03Z</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="ExternalCardId">DCMG1</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentSwimId">1551930</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentSwimName">Kanban Board</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentQueueId">1610937</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="defectNumber">DEF7</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="name">Unblock Card</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentOwner_userId">[email protected]</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentOwner">Dinanath Parab</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="priority">Medium</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="classOfService">Standard Class</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="cardSize">M</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentQueue">Develop#In-Progress</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="iteration">0</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="smartLane">Kanban Board</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="workType">KanbanDefect</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentState">Active</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="release">0</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="summaryType">leaf</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="createdBy">[email protected]</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="createdDate">2015-07-29T10:44:41Z</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="modifiedBy">[email protected]</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="modifiedDate">2018-12-03T03:43:59Z</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="workspaceType">KanbanProject</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="workspaceId">1546781</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="dateIdentified">2015-07-29T10:44:41Z</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="id">530001</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="ExternalCardId">DEF7</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentSwimId">1551930</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentSwimName">Kanban Board</ns:field>
 <ns:field ns:name="currentQueueId">1610939</ns:field>


Input Elements

Description Moves the cards from backlog/archive to board to any queue and swim lane provided in request
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 606645
queueId Queue Id that you will get from getSmartLaneDetails
Example: 243566
swimId Swim lane Id to which the queue belongs
Example: 456546
Output If successful, the cards are moved to the queue of the given swim lane.

Input Request Example

xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:moveMultipleCardToReadyResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card Moved successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card Moved successfully</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements

Description Moves cards across lanes or across queues on board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 606645
fromQkeyId Id of queue where the card exists now
Example: 243566
toQkeyId Id of the queue to where you want to move the card
Example: 567567
fromSwimId Id of the swim lane where the card exists now
Example: 76867
toSwimId Id of the swim lane to where you want to move the card
Example: 123123
Output If successful, the cards are moved to the queue of the given swim lane

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:moveMultipleCardOnBoardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card moved successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card moved successfully</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements

Description Moves multiple cards from the board to the backlog
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 606645
Output If successful moves multiple cards from to the backlog

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:moveMultipleCardToBacklogResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card moved to Backlog successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card moved to Backlog successfully</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements

Description Deletes a particular card on the board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 606645
Output If successful deletes the particular card on the board.

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan=""><soapenv:Header>
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
Output Response Example
<ns:deleteCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card Deleted successfully.</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements

Description Deletes particular cards on the board
projectId Id of the project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40218
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: UserStory
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Card unique id that you will get in add/update/get card response
Example: 606645
Output If successful deletes the particular cards on the board.

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>

Output Response Example

<ns:deleteMultipleCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card Deleted successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card Deleted successfully</ns:responseMsg>


Input Elements

Description Converts a card to the required card type.
userLoginId mail address of user to log in to SwiftKanban, Example: [email protected]
projectId ProjectId of project in which card exists.
cardUniqueId Id of the card which we want to convert.
cardType Original card type which we want to convert.
destinationCardType Card type into which we want to convert the card.
breakRelation Relations need to be removed or not.
Consider the following scenario:
ENHC is linked to UST and TASK in card type links, but there is no link between DEF and UST.
Suppose ENHC10 is linked with UST20, and we are trying to convert
ENHC10 card to a Defect card type. Now if breakRelation value set to true: There will be no relation between UST20 and newly created target card DEF1.
if breakRelation value set to false: Card conversion will fail.

Suppose we are trying to convert ENHC10 to a TASK card type, then as the relation is already defined between these two card types, break relation parameter will be ignored and card will be converted.OutputIf successful, the response return converted card details.

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>

Output Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card Converted Successfully</ns:responseMsg>

Failure Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="Error while validating relations for given card type. "/>


Input Elements

Description Transfer card to a particular queue on a board
userLoginId Email address of user to log in to SwiftKanban, Example: [email protected]
cardUniqueId Unique Id of the card to be transferred
Example: UST312,142
cardType Card Type of the card to be transferred
Example: UserStory
projectId Id of the board to which the card belongs
Example: 1
destinationProjectId Id of the board where the card will be transferred
Example: 2
destinationSwimId Id of swim where the card will be transferred
Example: 12
destinationQueueId Id of queue where the card will be transferred
Example: 41
Output If successful, the response returns that the card was transferred successfully with the new card id and card type.

Input Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username>[email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">welcome123</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card transferred successfully</ns:responseMsg>

Failure Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:transferCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<kan:userLoginId>[email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<ns:errorMessage ns:details="KanbanCardService.transfer Failed :You do not have sufficient rights to delete the card. "/>


Input Elements

Description Fetches details of cards from Boards
ProjectId Id of that project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 9
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
Output If successful returns details of all cards are available on Board.

Input response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Password Type="">test12345</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId> [email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<ns:getBoardCardsResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST1" ns:cardUniqueId="11111" ns:cardType="UserStory" ns:name="Test card1" ns:CreationDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z"  ns:createdBy=" [email protected]" ns:ModifiedDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:modifiedBy=" [email protected]"/>
<ns:card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST2" ns:cardUniqueId="22222" ns:cardType="UserStory" ns:name="Test card2" ns:CreationDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:createdBy=" [email protected]" ns:ModifiedDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:modifiedBy=" [email protected]"/>
<ns:card ns:CardSequenceNumber="ENHC1" ns:cardUniqueId="22222" ns:cardType="ENHC" ns:name="Test card3" ns:CreationDate="2017-01-02T09:19:52Z" ns:createdBy=" [email protected]" ns:ModifiedDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:modifiedBy=" [email protected]"/>
<ns:card ns:CardSequenceNumber="ENHC2" ns:cardUniqueId="22223" ns:cardType="CDEF" ns:name="Test card4" ns:CreationDate="2017-01-03T09:19:52Z" ns:createdBy=" [email protected]" ns:ModifiedDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:modifiedBy=" [email protected]"/>
<ns:card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST3" ns:cardUniqueId="33333" ns:cardType="KanbanDefect" ns:name="Test BK card1" ns:CreationDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:createdBy=" [email protected]" ns:ModifiedDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:modifiedBy=" [email protected]"/>
<ns:card ns:CardSequenceNumber="UST4" ns:cardUniqueId="44444" ns:cardType="UserStory" ns:name="Test BK card2" ns:CreationDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:createdBy=" [email protected]" ns:ModifiedDate="2017-01-01T09:19:52Z" ns:modifiedBy=" [email protected]"/>


Input Elements

Description Discard/Abort Card type for discard/abort with the details.
ProjectId Id of that project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40201
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: KanbanDefect
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add card response
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
discardAbortReason getting from master list of abort/discard
discardAbortComment should have a one liner comment instead of single word
Output If successful returns card is abort/discard.

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username> [email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">ABCD</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId> [email protected]</kan:userLoginId>

Output Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:discardAbortCardResponse xmlns:ns="">


Input Elements

Description Discard/Abort multipleCards which you need to discard/abort with the details.
ProjectId Id of that project that you get from getProject of ProjectService
Example: 40201
cardType Card type of the card obtained from getCardListForProject output
Example: KanbanDefect
cardUniqueId card unique id that you will get in add card response
userLoginId Email address of user to log on to SwiftKanban
Example: [email protected]
discardAbortReason getting from master list of abort/discard
discardAbortComment should have a one liner comment instead of single word
Output If successful returns all Cards are abort/discard successfully.

Input Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:kan="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-31571602">
<wsse:Username> [email protected]</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">ABCD</wsse:Password>
<kan:userLoginId> [email protected]</kan:userLoginId>
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->

Output Response Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:discardAbortMultipleCardResponse xmlns:ns="">
<ns:responseMsg>Card discard/Abort successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card discard/Abort successfully</ns:responseMsg>
<ns:responseMsg>Card discard/Abort successfully</ns:responseMsg>
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