Knowing the Done Date of a Card from the Card Listing

Earlier, you had no way to know the Done Date of a card from the card listing and had to go through the card details to get that information. To ease that process, we have added another column, called Done Date in the All Cards listing so that you can quickly get the same information without going anywhere.

Embedding Hyperlink to the External Work Request Form

Similar to embedding code in HTML and JavaScript, we have now introduced an option to embed hyperlink to an External Work Request form. This way, you can share a hyperlink to the form via email too!

Enhancing the Usability of Multi-flagging Feature

Managing multiple flags on a card like adding or removing Blocks, Issues, Risks or Manual Flags, entering Flag comments, and viewing them in a list has become much more user-friendly with the new and refreshing user interface. Get to know more about the overhauled Add Flag screen from this page.

Pre-release Intimation on addCard Webservice

From 7.12 release onwards, addCard method (SOAP) and post method of CardService (REST Url: /card-operations/boards/{boardId}/cards) of webservice will add cards based on the Board Policy of the default lane configuration.

Like web application, If the default column for card addition in the Board policy is not set, then the card, added via the SOAP or REST webservice will be placed in the Backlog. If the policy is set to a specific column then the card will be added in that column only.

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