New Admin Policy to Access External Work Requests

To offer you greater control over External Work Requests, we have introduced a new Admin policy, Show External Work Requests to Admin Only. By enabling this policy, only Admin users will have access to view External Work Requests. Learn more here.


Done Column Exemption from WIP Limits

We have added a new Board policy, Do not consider Done column cards in swimlane WIP limit violation, under WIP Limit Policies. This update exempts Done columns from WIP limit enforcement, enabling teams to freely add cards without triggering violations. Previously, even Done columns were subject to WIP limits, potentially constraining the final stages of your workflow. Now, with the selection of this new policy, the Done column is exempt from WIP limit considerations, empowering teams to accurately reflect their progress without unnecessary constraints.  Learn more here.

WIP limit policies

Introducing Card Inactive Settings

Now, you can ensure greater control over card types with the addition of a Do not allow further card creation for this card type setting under the new Card Inactive Setting tab of the Card Settings. This option enables you to deactivate specific card types that are no longer needed, preventing future creation of cards using those types. Learn more here.

Card inactive settings

Enhanced User WIP with Team Member Filter

Earlier, clicking User WIP on the Side toolbar, it used to display WIP details of each user assigned to the current Board. So, it used to display a long list of users on the Board with their WIP details. Now, with the addition of the Team Member filter option, users can conveniently retrieve the WIP limit for a specific team member, improving accessibility and efficiency in monitoring work in progress. Learn more here.

User WIP

Simplified Card Linking Process

Previously, linking card types while setting up the Traceability link, required defining specific relationships between them in the Other Links option under CARD RELATIONSHIP in the Admin Settings. However, with our latest update, we’ve removed the Other Links option and eliminated this extra step, allowing you to effortlessly link any card type with any other card type directly without the need for predefined relationships.

Important Announcement

Effective from 31st May 2024, the current REST API getCardList within the Card Service will be limited to fetching details solely of your active cards on the Board. To access details of closed cards, it’s essential to transition to the newly introduced REST API getClosedCardList within the Card Service. This API efficiently retrieves details of all cards in archived, discarded, or aborted status, streamlining your search by narrowing it down to closed cards, without cluttering results with active ones.

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