This release introduces several enhancements and new features.

Filtering Cards As Per Common Field Values

Earlier, board cards were filtered only on basis of general/ default fields. Now you can filter board cards on basis of custom fields that are common across cards.

You can now  filter the cards under All Cards section, based on custom fields that are common across cards.

Analyzing Inactive Cards

In the board activity filter, you can also view the number of inactive cards.
By clicking X Inactive Cards link,it:
  • Highlights inactive cards on board.
  • Displays detailed card activity log.
It helps you to quickly identify the  number of cards that have not moved from the past ‘X’ number of days.

Alternative Navigation for Burndown Chart

Earlier, you were accessing the Burndown chart from the respective Release and Sprint section. It can now also be accessed from <Your_Project_Name> > Analytics section.

Filtering Cards Using Multiple Conditions

Take your board filtering skills to a whole new level by letting the board filter display cards that satisfy either of multiple conditions at a time.
Filter the board with an OR condition by selecting the OR checkbox
Example: Filtering with AND condition for Resource A and Release R1, displays cards only with  team member A and release R1. However, filtering with OR condition, displays cards with team member A or release R1 or both.
As always, your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us. Please keep them coming on the SwiftKanban Feedback portal and let others vote on them as well! 
If you see an error or an issue, drop us a quick note on [email protected].
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