2020, has been a year of slowing down, taking the time and retrospecting on the past and more importantly living the present, it gave us a wonderful opportunity to pause and appreciate all that we took for granted, it taught us to love our loved ones a little more, cherish what we have as the future looked uncertain!

Here in the final release of 2020, we bring to you some useful features in the Agile Program Management dashboard.

Keeping Dependencies in Your Radar

While the comprehensive Agile Program Management dashboard helps you understand the current status of your program, it also helps explore ways in which you can mitigate possible risks. So, it’s imperative the work dependencies are seen so that the impact of any delays can be easily understood at a glance.

Now, the dependency links on the cards can be seen on the Roadmap widget in the Agile Program Management dashboard itself facilitating greater visibility and better understanding to the entire team. Not only that, but the color-coded dependencies also highlight the impact of the dependent cards so that you can focus only on those dependencies that need your attention. 

Setting the Planned Dates of the Cards in Roadmap Widget

Once you create the cards, the next step is to decide their Planned durations. Up until now, you had to open all the cards and set their Planned dates. But from now on, you can quickly set the planned dates of the cards on the Roadmap widget in the Agile Program Management dashboard by just adjusting their planned bars.

All you need to do is to drag the start and the end point of the Planned bar to the date you want and your new planned Start and End dates are set in no time. This will help you plan the duration of the cards while visualizing the entire hierarchy. Also, you can modify the planned dates of the cards according to their child or parent cards if required.

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