Defining time zone in SwiftKanban is especially important when you have a geographically distributed team. Each member will be performing an activity in his/her time zone determined for that particular region. To track activities with respect to your local time, you need to set the application time to your time zone. The time stamp generated for an activity log will help to relate events happening on the board and also view metrics based on a specific time zone.

To set your time zone for the application:

  1. Hover on the Login name at the top-right corner and click View Profile.  Click the Edit button on the toolbar in the Profile view. The Profile page can be edited now.
  2. Scroll down to Time Zone. The Time Zone lists the various time zones determined for a region along with the Time Offsets from UTC.
  3. Select the Time Zone for your region.
  4. Click the Save button on the top-right toolbar.


The events happening on the board are not tied to a specific time and date. Hence, if you change the time zone later, the time stamp will be changed relative to the new time zone after you log in again.

For example, Ashish has set the application time as Indian Standard Time and created a user story, the activity log displays the time stamp as 28-Feb-2017 13:23:30

The same activity displays as 27-Feb-2017 23:53:30 when Pranoti views it in the application, where she has set the time zone to Pacific Daylight Time.

 When you generate analytics for a particular period, the time is displayed based on the time zone preference you set,  the calculations in the application are consistent across users.

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