We’re back with some enhancements and new features. We’ve included several of your suggestions too!

Here are the highlights of SwiftKanban v3.5.8:

Risk of Delay (as the Due date approaches)

  • You can now configure the number of days you want a card to be highlighted before the card’s due date.
  • Select ‘Modify Process’ from the Auto Hide tool bar on the project’s board. 
  • Under ‘Other Policies’ section, select the Highlight Cards…  checkbox, and enter the required number of days.

Note: This is a project level settingOn switching back to the board view, you will find that the cards that meet the criteria are highlighted

You can now highlight what cards changed over the last ‘x’ days.

Transfer cards from the backlog board

You can now transfer cards from the backlog board to any other board. To perform that task, click the options menu in the card that you want to move, select the Transfer To option, and then select the board you want that card to move to.

Easier control of flags

You can now enable or disable flags directly from the flag icon on the card. Just click the icon to change the state.

Improvements in the quick tour

For those of you who are beginning their journey with us, we have made multiple improvements to the quick tour.

For a first time user, we now have a separate tour that will take them through the product. It’s easier than ever now to get your colleagues or friends on board.

We hope you like these improvements!

As always, your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us. Please keep them coming on the SwiftKanban Feedback portal and let others vote on them as well!

If you see an error or an issue, drop us a quick note on [email protected]

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