This release introduces several enhancements and new features.
Here are the highlights of SwiftKanban version 4.12:

To-Do Board

We have extended the powerful functionality of To-Do’s and built a separate Kanban board specifically for them. So, the newly introduced To-Do board is a one-stop shop for individuals, teams or organizations to efficiently visualize, monitor and manage all To-Do’s scattered under various cards on a board.

The To-Do board helps you:
  • Visualize the status of To-Do’s as all of them will either be placed under To-Do, Doing or Done column.
  • Track their lineage as the To-Do card will have its parent card id as part of their own id. 
  • The To-Do card will display fields like Current State, Applicable queue, To-Do Owner .
  • The Sort and Filter options in the To-Do board help you focus on specific To-Do’s that need most of your attention. 
  • The To-Do’s are now also available in the List view. You can access the list from the Board menu. The list view will have To-Do’s and their attributes in a tabular format, where each attributes will be represented in columns. 
  • The To-Do list view lets you filter specific information based on any of those attributes. You can also export the list to an Excel or CSV format for your offline viewing. 

Mobile release 1.2

Find some cool enhancements in the SwiftKanban mobile app:
  • One time Sign-in so that you can have a seamless access to the app.
  • Kanban cards will now show both the card owner’s name and image.
  • User profile menu has been introduced. It will have user’s image and the Logout option.
  • Improved Performance
  • Updated detail card view.

I-Form Editor made simpler 

The Iform Editor has a new avatar, called The Card Field Editor which eases the process of adding or modifying attributes for a card type. The user-friendly editor has been designed in a tabular format where Each row represents a field in the card.You can add, delete or reposition the fields just by clicking their respective buttons. 

As always, your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us. Please keep them coming on the SwiftKanban Feedback portal and let others vote on them as well! 

If you see an error or an issue, drop us a quick note on [email protected].
Thank you!
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