In this article, we will help you understand how to configure a Form using the Form 2.0 Configuration.

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Configuring a Form

Understanding Form Layout

Understanding Different Block Types

Adding Tabs in a Form

Adding Field Segments to a Form

Adding Sub-blocks to a Form

Understanding Different Field Types

Common Fields in a Form

Configuring Fields in a Form

Adding Comments Block to a Form 

Adding Attachment Segment to a Form 

Adding Tag Segment to a Form

Configuring Buttons

Previewing a Form

Publishing a Form

List View of Form Configuration


Form 2.0 helps you configure forms as per your business use. It has several benefits over the traditional Forms configuration such as you can define the UI of the form with a drag and drop facility, configure forms in one, two, or custom column layouts, group a set of logically related fields in a sub-block of the form, include tables in your forms, configure fields based on formulas, configure field color indicator depending upon certain conditions, and so on. These capabilities help you easily design a user-friendly form, and meet your business requirements.

Configuring a Form

To configure a Form, navigate to the required project > Configure > Form 2.0 Configuration. Once you open the Forms 2.0 screen, perform the following steps to create a Form:

  1. Click the CREATE FORM button.
  2. Click the Get Started button.
    Get Started
  3. Enter the details like the Form name, its short abbreviation which will be used for the generation of ID, the menu position where the form should appear in the project, and the workitem color for it which will be used in the Execution board and Analytics. Enter a description of the form.
  4. When you specify the details of the form, on the left pane you can see the contextual help for the field that you are filling in information. For example, when you are choosing the menu position then on the left pane a short description/help is given to the configurator about why he is choosing the menu position while configuring the form.
  5. Click the NEXT button.
  6. Select the layout for the Form. For now, you can create a form from scratch.
    Create From Scratch
  7. Select the required layout for the form. You can create a form from a blank template.
  8. Click the CONFIGURE button.

After you click the CONFIGURE button, you can configure your form. By default, the Name and ID are the two fields included in every form. You can select some more predefined (common) fields such as Due Date, Description, Priority, etc.
Common Fields
To select the predefined fields, select the required fields and click the SAVE button. To avoid these fields, click the CANCEL button. The default form is displayed with the form name, Name, and ID fields. Now you can configure your form’s field segments, fields, tabs, subblocks, and buttons as per the requirements.

Understanding Form Layout

In a form, there can be multiple tabs. In those multiple tabs, there would be multiple blocks of different types such as Field Segment block, Sub-block, Comment block, Attachment block, and Tags block which the configurator can drag and drop on the Tabs.

Each block type would have a different type of data associated with it. For example, an attachment block would show a list of attachments that the form has. Similarly, a Field segment block would have different kinds of fields in it.

Understanding Different Block Types

In the Form configuration left panel shows different kinds of blocks that the form can have. You might be wondering what are blocks in the form. Well, Blocks are the containers that will display, group, and store form information. Form information includes different fields, Data tables, Comments, Attachments, and Tags. With the help of the different block types, you can structure the form as per your requirements. Below is a quick overview of the different block types –

  1. Field Segment block: The Field Segment block will have a different kind of fields like text, number, dropdown, radio selection, etc. In a form, the configurator can have multiple such field segment blocks. By having multiple such field segment blocks configurator would be able to do logical mapping between fields and the block that they are present in the form. This also helps end users to access and fill forms quickly by having fields grouped logically.
  2. Sub-block: A sub-block in the form is added when the configurator wants to create a relationship between the primary block and the sub-block. There can be 2 kinds of relationship between a primary block and a sub-block.
    One-to-One – A single instance of a sub-block is related to a single instance of the primary block.
    One-to-Many– Multiple instances of sub-block are related to the single instance of the primary block.
    Sub-block can never exist on its own. It can be accessed only when the base form is accessed where the relationship with the primary block exists. A sub-block can be either in the form of a field segment or a data table.
  3. Comment block  Comment block would show a list of all the latest comments that are posted in the form. Based on the size of the comment block end users would be able to either view comments or perform actions like Add, Edit, or Reply to the comments.
  4. Attachment block The Attachment block will show the list of all attachments that are posted in the form. The end user should be able to perform actions on the attachment block like view, add, and delete attachments from the attachment block.
  5. Tags Block  Tag block will show the list of tags the end users want to enter for the form. These tags can be used to filter data or derive analytics from it.

Adding Tabs in a Form

When a Form is getting configured a default tab is created which is named the “Details” tab. There are other default tabs available in a Form such as Comments & Attachment, ToDos, and Linked Cards that are disabled by default, however, you can enable or disable a tab by selecting/clearing the required check box. Learn more about the ToDo tab here.

The ToDo Tab allows you to add ToDos in your form. You can add new ToDos, assign a ToDo owner, enter Estimate hours, see the status of your ToDo (open or closed), and delete the ToDo.

Similarly, the Comments & Attachment tab allows you to add new comments and attachments to your form, give replies to the comments, view attachments, and download, and delete them when required. Learn more about the Comments & Attachments tab here.

You can also add a new tab if you want.

Default Tabs

To configure the tabs, perform the following steps –

  1. On the top-right corner, click Configure Tab.
  2. Select the checkboxes which tabs you want in your Form. By default, the Details tab is selected. Please note, that once you select a tab, you cannot clear the selection.
  3. To add a new tab, click the Add new tab icon. The tab appears in the form.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Add the segments and field in the newly added tab.

Adding Field Segments to a Form

A field segment is a section in a form that contains a group of logically related fields. A form can have more than one field segment. For example, in a Purchase Order form, Purchase Order can be one segment, Purchase Order Vendor Details can be another segment, and so on.

On configuring a new form, the system will create a default block which will have 2 default fields in it – ID and Name. The ID field is a system-generated field that will store a unique ID which is a combination of form abbreviation and numbers. It cannot be edited by the user. The Name field is the single-line text field where the user can enter the name of the Instance created.

Field Segments

To add a field segment in a form, perform the following steps –

  1. From the left pane drag and drop the Field Segment box to the space where you want to add the segment.
  2. Click the field segment. As you click the field segment, the field types and common fields get enabled in the left panel.
  3. Expand the required field type category and drag and drop the required field type to the space.
  4. When you drag and drop a field segment block you can access the settings for the same by clicking on the Settings icon.
  5. Field segment block settings include settings
    1. Block Name: Set the Name of the block that will be displayed to the end user.
    2. Block Unique Name Set a Unique name for the block which will be used internally by the system for referencing the field.
    3. Display Block Name: This property will display the Block Name. On disabling this property Block name that is set for the block would be hidden.
    4. Hide Block: By enabling this setting, the block will be hidden and fields inside it will no longer be accessible to end users.
    5. Column settings: The field segment can be configured as a Single Column, Two Column, or Custom.
  6. Configurator should be able to reposition the field segments.
    Field Types

Adding Sub-blocks to a Form

A sub-block is a part or section in the form of logically related fields. It can have different types of field types or common fields in it. A subblock can be of two types –

  • Data table – A data table is a group of fields in the table format where all the fields are inserted as the columns of the table.
  • Field segment – A field segment is a group of fields in the field segment format.

To add a subblock in a form, perform the following steps –

  1. From the left pane drag and drop the Sub Block box to the space where you want to add the sub-block.Sub-block1
  2. Sub-block Details dialog box, specify the sub-block name.
  3. Specify the field name to which this sub-block belongs. If you have not defined any field segments in the form till now, by default it belongs to the Primary Field Segment which contains the Name and the ID field.
  4. Specify if you want to display the fields from the related field segment. It displays all the fields of the related sub-block. You can select the required fields from the list. For example, if the sub-block belongs to the primary field segment, you can select the fields that will be displayed in the sub-block.
  5. Select the block type as a Data table or Field segment. When you select field segment as the block type for a sub-block, then it is a sub-block with fields in it, just similar to the field segment block. When you select Data Table as the block type for the sub-block, then a tabular structure would be available to configure fields and store information
  6. Specify the required details to define the relationship for the Generative AI. This information helps AI in fetching the information to answer user queries in Nimble Assist. Relationships are majorly of two kinds.
    Has one– By selecting this relationship between the primary block and the sub-bock we are establishing a one-to-one relationship. This means the single instance value present in the Sub-block is related to a single instance value available in the primary block.
    Has many– By selecting this relationship between the primary block and the sub-bock we are establishing a one-to-many relationship. This means that the multiple instance values present in the Sub-block are related to a single instance value available in the primary block.
    After defining the relationship from the primary block to the sub-block then we define a 2-way relationship for the Generative AI Use case.
    Note: Gen AI Use case will be built in the future. Currently, we are just storing information on relationships. Its Practical usage for Generative AI will come in future releases.
  7. Click the Save button. Once the sub-block is saved, it appears in the form where you can configure fields in it.
  8. Depending upon the block type selected it would either display a sub-block of the field segment or a data table
  9. To add fields in the sub-block, click the sub-block. As you click, the field types and common fields get enabled in the left panel.
  10. Expand the required field type category and drag and drop the required field type to the space.

Understanding Different Field Types

The form 2.0 has multiple field types available under many categories like Text/Number fields, Date fields, etc. The different options and settings available for these field types vary from one type to another. For example, the settings of a text field would be different from the settings of a date field. Below are the different field types available under each category. To know about these field types in detail, read here.

Text/Number Fields

Fields Description
Single Line The single line field is used to store one-line information such as Name in a form.
Multi-Line Multi-line fields are used to enter the description of an instance in the form.
Text Label Text labels are used to give headers in the form to separate the sections.
Rich Text Rick text fields are used to add text with formatting. You can also insert pictures and videos in the field if required.
URL URL fields are used to store the URL of a webpage in a form.
Number Number fields are used to store the numeric values in a form such as integer numbers, decimal numbers, Currency values, or Percentage values. Calculations can be done on such numeric fields.

Text Number Fields

Date Fields

Fields Description
Date and Time The Date and Time field is used to store date as well as time in a form.
Date The date field is used to store only the date in a form.

Date Fields

Selection Fields

Fields Description
Radio Group Radio groups are used when we want the user to select only one option among the given options.
Decision Box The decision box is a special case of the Checkbox group.  It is used when we want users to select the check box which will act as a decision for the user. The decision box will always have one option associated with it
Static Dropdown Static drop-downs are the lists that allow the user to select one value from the given list of values. Here options of the dropdown are pre-configured by the configurator
Checkbox Group Checkbox Groups are used when we want users to select multiple options from the list provided in the form.

Selection Fields

Advanced Field Types

Fields  Description
Master List Form 2.0 Configuration allows you to use system master lists in the fields of a form as drop-down.
Lookup It allows you to use a field from an existing form to your form which acts as a lookup.
Formula It allows you to define a formula on a field so that it automatically calculates the value in the field depending on the defined formula. For example, if you have two fields like Price and Quantity then you can define a third field amount which automatically calculates its value by multiplying the price and quantity of the items.

Similarly, you can use some basic functions in your formulas. To know more read here.

Advanced Fields

Common Fields

The purpose of having a list of common fields in Form 2.0 configuration so that the configurator can use common fields across all forms. This will help to keep data consistent across forms. It is up to the configurator which of these Common fields s/he wants to enable for the form. These Common fields are editable which means once you insert them in your form, you can click the settings icon and define their settings as per your requirements. The following are the common fields available in Form 2.0 –

Fields Description
Due Date Include this field to show the Due Date of the workitems.
Description Include this field to show a detailed description of the workitem.
Estimate Hours Include this field to enter the estimated hours of the workitems.
Priority Include this field to show the priority of the workitems. It fetches its values from the Priority master list in the product.
Planned Start Include this field to enter the Planned Start date of the workitems. The default date format is dd-mmm-yyyy.
Planned Finish Include this field to enter the Planned Finish date of the workitems. The default date format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Common Fields

Configuring Fields in a Form

To configure a field, perform the following steps –

  1. Drag and drop the required field from the left panel to the field segment.
  2. Click the field. The Reposition, Settings, and Delete icons are enabled.
  3. Click the Settings icon. Depending upon the settings of the field type, the individual field would vary from field type to field type. To see the detailed information of every field type, click here.
  4. Settings of almost all fields are divided into 3 tabs which are Details, Validation, and Rules
  5. For the Details tab of the field property, you can set basic information like display label, help text, and specific format of the data. For example, if number field properties are getting accessed then properties like number format and number type would be available. In the case of the date, properties like the date format would be available to set
  6. For the Validation tab of the field property depending on the field type applicable validations should be available if it is a number field then it will have a character limit as one of the validation properties. Similarly, if it’s a date field then validation on date values like allow past dates, future dates, or all dates are available. Apart from this field-type-specific validation, there are also common validations like mandatory field, hide field, etc.
  7. In the Rules tab based on the field type configurator accesses the Rules Tab would be available. There are 3 kinds of Rules that one can define on the field level.
    1. Icon Decorator rule: This is available only for the number field. It displays Icons that are configured in the rule if the conditions are met.
    2. Font color decorator: With the help of this Rule configurator would be able to set the font color for the value of the field based on the condition mentioned in the rule
    3. Validation Rule: With the help of this rule configurator on the field can display a custom validation message.

Please note the above given are some basic validations which apply to most of the fields. However, the validations and the rules vary for field types. To read the Validations and Rules for all the Field Types, click here.

Adding Comments Block to a Form

The Comment block allows you to add and read comments in your form.  The comment block must be of at least 8 columns and 7 rows to allow users to add comments using this block. If the comment block is less than 8 columns and 7 rows then you can only read the comments and can’t add new comments using this block.  In that case, the user can add new comments using the Comments & Attachment section.

To configure a Comments section in the form, perform the following steps –

  1. Open the form in which you want to add the Comments segment.
  2. From the left panel, drag the Comments box to the required position.
  3. To reposition, click the Comments segment. The Reposition and the Delete icons are enabled. Click the Reposition icon and move it to the required location.
  4. By default, the size of the comment block is 5X5 Depending upon the size of the comment block end users would perform actions on the comment block
  5. When the comment block size is less than 8 columns and 7 rows, the end users cannot perform any actions on the comment block. The end users would not be allowed to Add, Edit, or Reply to the comment. It would be treated as a non-editable comment block.
  6. When the Comment block is of size greater than or equal to 8 columns and 7 rows then end users would be able to perform actions like Add, Edit, or Reply to the comment. It would be treated as an editable comment block
  7. To delete the Comments segment, click the Comments segment, and click the Delete icon.

Adding Attachment Segment to a Form

The Attachment block allows you to add attachments to a form. In the Attachment block, you can view the attachments, download attachments to your system, and delete them if required.

To configure an Attachment section in the form, perform the following steps –

  1. Open the form in which you want to add the Attachment segment.
  2. From the left panel, drag the Attachment box to the required position.
  3. To reposition, click the Attachment segment. The Reposition and the Delete icons are enabled. Click the Reposition icon and move it to the required location.
  4. By default, the size of the attachment block is 5 X 5. The configurator can resize the attachment block.
  5. To delete the Attachment segment, click the Attachment segment, and click the Delete icon.

Adding Tag Segment to a Form

The Tag segment allows you to add tags to the form. To configure a Tag section in the form, perform the following steps –

  1. Open the form in which you want to add the Tag segment.
  2. From the left panel, drag the Tag box to the required position.
  3. To reposition, click the Tag segment. The Settings, Reposition, and Delete icons are enabled. Click the Reposition icon and move it to the required location.

Once you configure a tag section in the form, open the form.  Add the required tag in the tag section and press the ENTER key or the Spacebar key. A small box appears showing the multiple color icons to be assigned to the tag. Click the required color. The selected color is assigned to the tag.

Configuring Buttons

After you define all the required block types in the form, you can configure the buttons that you want in the form.  To configure the buttons, perform the following steps –

  1. Open the required form.
  2. Click the CONFIGURE BUTTONS at the bottom of the page. The Button Settings pop-up appears.
  3. Enable the toggle for the required buttons.

Previewing a Form

After you configure the required tabs, blocks, and buttons, in a form, you can preview it to see how the form will look before publishing. To preview the form, turn on the Preview toggle at the top of the page.

Publishing a Form

Once you are convinced that you have finished your form configuration, you can publish it to end users to use the form. The published form appears in the menu specified while creating a form. To publish a form, click the PUBLISH button at the top of the page. Once you publish a form, it will always appear in the menu. However, you can also make changes in a published form. After making changes in a published form you need to republish it again to make the changes visible in the form.

Once the form is published, you can create its instances from the Form list view, Execution Board, and Nimble Cafe. It also gets available in the Analytics to plot widgets on it.

List View of Form Configuration

Users can keep on configuring multiple forms, publish them, and access them via the list view of the Form Configuration. Given below is the list view or Form Configuration

If a Form is newly created and not yet published even once, then its status would be marked as Draft and Version is V0.

When the configurator publishes the form for the first time, the version changes from V0 to V1, and the status is changed from Draft to Active. The Version number will keep on increasing by 1 on the next publication of the form configuration.

When the published form is getting edited then the status changes from Active to Active/Draft. The Status remains Active/Draft till the time the configurator publishes the changes.

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