In this article, we will help you to understand the work type distribution widget.

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Visualizing the Widget

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Using the Work Type Distribution widget, you can view the distribution of workitem types in a hierarchy or those tagged to a Release or Sprint. Based on the workitem instance (Epic, Theme, User Story, and so on)  or delivery cadence (Release or Sprint) selected in the Filter panel, the circular chart (resembling a donut chart) shows the distribution of the workitems under a hierarchy in colored slices. Each slice or portion represents different types of child workitems in that hierarchy.

Visualizing the Widget

The area of a slice representing a particular workitem type is plotted according to its percentage in the overall hierarchy. Hovering over the chart shows the name of the workitem type along with the count of instances belonging to that workitem type.

The color of the slice for a workitem type is the one set for that workitem in the Forms screen.

No matter whether a workitem is at level 2, level 3, or at the bottom level in the hierarchy, it will be plotted in the chart according to the percentage of workitems.

For example, in the given screenshot, the parent workitem is a Theme having 5 child workitems as Epic, and each epic has some technical stories and user stories tagged to it. The three colored portions represent the percentage of Epic, Technical stories and User stories under the theme respectively.

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