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Viewing the Key Results of an Objective

Create a new Key Result

Deleting a Key Result

Key results are time bound and have a start value and target value to track their progress.  They can be used to indicate the amount of progress to achieve within a shorter period or to define whether you’ve met your objective at the end of the project.

Viewing the Key Results of an Objective

You can view the key results of an objective to see how the objective is progressing, how many key results are achieved, and how many are pending.

Perform the following steps to view the Key results of an OKR –

  1. Open the list view of the objective and select the objective which key results you want to see.
  2. Click the View KRs at the end of the objective. The Key Results panel appears.
  3. Click the key result that you want to see. 

Creating a new Key Result

Key Results

Perform the following steps to create a key result –

  1. Open the Objective for which you want to create the key results. 
  2. Click the KRs/Sub-KRs section. 
  3. The objective has a default empty key result as its child.

  4. Click the Add KR card. A detailed view of the key result appears.

  5. Enter the following information – 
    • Key result  – specify the name of your key result.
    • Provide a description in the Description field of the key result. 
    • Assign an owner to the key result. 
    • Select the Start value, Current value, and Target value for your key result. These values help understand what you want to achieve in this key result.
    • Unit of Measurement – select the unit of measurement in which you want to track your start/current/target values for your key result.
    • Learning Impact – Set the learning impact as High, Low, Medium, etc.
    • Learning Description – Add a description that best describes the learning value you achieve from a key result.
    • Pilot or Losable Bet – Set the Key result as Pilot or a losable bet.
    • Confidence – Set the confidence in percentage to calculate the success probability for each objective.

Once a Key result is saved, you can see the other section as mentioned below apart from the Details section –

You can perform the following operations in the details section of a key result –

  • Delete
  • Maximize the screen

Deleting a Key Result

You can delete a key result if it is no longer required. To delete a key result, open the key result in its detail view by clicking it and clicking the Delete icon on the top-right corner of the screen.

When you delete a key result, all its sub-key results are also deleted and can’t be retrieved.

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