In this article, we will help you to understand the Digital Transformation template and the menus related to them.

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Digital Marketing

Digital Asset Management

Product Development(Scrum)

Product Development(Kanban)

Product Development(Hybrid)


The Digital Transformation category allows businesses to leverage the latest digital technologies and tools to optimize their operations and stay in the competition. The digital transformation template typically begins with defining business objectives and conducting a thorough assessment of the current digital capabilities of the company. Based on this assessment, a roadmap is developed with clear milestones and timelines. Securing executive buy-in and building a cross-functional team are important steps to ensure the success of digital transformation initiatives. Investing in digital technologies and empowering employees to use them effectively is also crucial. Finally, monitoring and measuring progress helps businesses stay on track and achieve their digital transformation goals.

Digital Transformation Templates

Digital Production

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing template allows you to monitor all your marketing deliverables and strategies. Define target audiences, set goals, and track your deadlines.

The template module groups and constituent modules are represented in the following table structure where each module name has a link. Clicking the link will redirect you to the detailed description of the module.

Plan Execute Manage Dashboard  Configure

* License-Driven Features

Benefits of using a Digital Marketing Template

  • Easily map out the steps required to achieve marketing goals and prioritize tasks based on their importance.
  • Monitor the progress of ongoing marketing projects and ensure that all aspects of each project
    are on track.
  • Enhance communication and collaboration among team members by providing a centralized location for all marketing-related information and updates.
  • Make data-driven decisions by tracking and analyzing the results of marketing initiatives using this information to optimize future efforts.

Card Type List

  • Marketing Deliverable: Record all information about marketing strategy including goal, timeline, and target audience.
  • Risk: The team can record all the risks that they foresee and take necessary actions to mitigate them.
  • Action Items: Create action items related to the product roadmap and track the progress in a separate lane to ensure that nothing goes missing.
  • Issue: Any issue the team faces can be logged and assigned to a particular team member.

Digital Asset Management

Maintain records of all your digital assets on a single board. Collaborate effectively with different teams and track the different files, asset types, iterations, version numbers, etc. in a centralized workspace.

The template module groups and constituent modules are represented in the following table structure where each module name has a link. Clicking the link will redirect you to the detailed description of the module.

Plan Execute Manage Dashboard Configure

*License-Driven Features

Benefits of using Digital Asset Management Template

  • Digital Asset Management is the process of organizing, storing, retrieving, and distributing digital assets in a centralized workspace. Digital assets can include images, videos, audio files, documents, e-books, logos, and others. Effective management of these assets is critical for an individual or an organization that needs to manage large volumes of digital assets, ensure consistency in branding, streamline workflows, and improve collaboration across teams.
  • A Digital Asset Management template can help you optimize your digital asset management workflows, save time and effort, and improve the overall efficiency and consistency of your organization’s digital asset management practices. It provides you with a pre-designed framework that ensures a standardized approach to organizing and managing digital assets. It helps organizations to save time, reduce errors, and facilitate scalability.

Card Type List

  1. Digital Assets: This card type is used to represent the various Digital Assets that can be managed. This card type will help you categorize your assets and organize them effectively.
  2. Action Items:  This card type is used to track the various tasks to be done for managing the digital assets and is specifically used for those jobs which do not fall under the steps of the usual process.

Product Development(Hybrid)

The Product Development(Hybrid) template allows teams to combine Waterfall and Agile methods, all within one project. You will see a wide set of capabilities.

The template module groups and constituent modules are represented in the following table structure where each module name has a link. Clicking the link will redirect you to the detailed description of the module.

Modules Menus
Agile Planning

* License-Driven Features

Benefits of using a Product Development(Hybrid) template

  • Use Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall development template approaches within the same project.
  • For the scope of work that is fixed, build Task Plans using Simple or Advanced Scheduling types that have a linear execution and minimal changes during development.
  • For a scope of work that is flexible, build a backlog, plan time-boxes, and execute using Agile techniques so that value is delivered at regular intervals.
  • Use a variety of Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall analytics for different types of work that are being executed inside the project.

Card Type List

  • Theme: Track main objectives and help to maintain alignment when you create Epics, Features, and User Stories as child workitems.
  • Epic: Track different goals of the product that need to be fulfilled.
  • Feature: Epics are meant to track specific areas that provide tangible value to the customer.
  • User Story: Provide value to a user that can be delivered in a single sprint.
  • Technical Story: Meant to overcome challenges or to do a technical spike to improve underlying technology.
  • Defects: Also known as bugs that are meant to track errors or flaws in the Product that do not meet the requirements or block the user from using the Product to derive the intended value.
  • User Requirements: Track functional requirements that are elaborated in a document containing purpose, functionality, business rules, impact areas, etc.
  • Change Requests: Track enhancements to the original requirements that are elaborated in a document containing purpose, audience, use cases, etc.
  • Tasks: Track the work that needs to be completed in order to deliver the requirement.
  • Adhoc Work: Track any unplanned work that needs to be done by the team while working on a Release or Sprint that doesn’t fit the intent of a Story Change Request or Defect but needs to be part of the Release or Sprint scope.
  • Action Items: Track any planned work that needs to be done by the team while working on a Release or Sprint that is needed to deliver the Story/ Defect resolution.
  • Issues: Track any problems faced by the end-user to gain value from the product.
  • Risks: Track any possible risks that may threaten the development of the working Product.

Product Development(Kanban)

The Product Development(Kanban) template is based on the Kanban Method. It’s a visual system to manage work and visualize progress. It includes metrics to support continuous improvement.

The template module groups and constituent modules are represented in the following table structure where each module name has a link. Clicking the link will redirect you to the detailed description of the module.

Modules Menus
Agile Planning

* License-Driven Features

Benefits of using the Product development(Kanban) template

  • Visualize your value stream by configuring the Execution Board with lanes, columns, and sub-columns as per your need.
  • Limit work-in-progress by setting WIP limits against the columns on the Execution Board.
  • Track card progress by the movement of cards from left to right and view the position of cards at a glance using higher zoom levels of the board.
  • Find ways for continuous improvement by using Flow and Cycle Time analytics such as Cumulative Flow Diagrams, Flow Efficiency, Cycle Time Distribution, and many more.

Card Types List

  • Theme: Track main objectives and help to maintain alignment when you create Epics, Features, and User Stories as child workitems.
  • Epic: Track different goals of the product that need to be fulfilled.
  • Feature: Epics are meant to track specific areas that provide tangible value to the customer.
  • User Story: Provide value to a user that can be delivered in a single sprint.
  • Technical Story: Meant to overcome challenges or to do a technical spike to improve underlying technology.
  • Defects: Also known as bugs that are meant to track errors or flaws in the Product that do not meet the requirements or block the user from using the Product to derive the intended value.
  • Adhoc Work: Track any unplanned work that needs to be done by the team while working on a Release or Sprint that doesn’t fit the intent of a Story Change Request or Defect but needs to be part of the Release or Sprint scope.
  • Action Items: Track any planned work that needs to be done by the team while working on a Release or Sprint that is needed to deliver the Story/ Defect resolution.
  • Issues: Track any problems faced by the end-user to gain value from the product.
  • Risks: Track any possible risks that may threaten the development of the working Product.

Product Development(Scrum)

The Product development(Scrum) plans work in time-boxed sprints and tracks progress with Burndown charts. It includes popular Scrum metrics with Task Boards.

The template module groups and constituent modules are represented in the following table structure where each module name has a link. Clicking the link will redirect you to the detailed description of the module.

Modules Menus
Agile Planning

* License-Driven Features

Benefits of using Product Development(Scrum) template

  • Build and refine your Backlog using popular Agile techniques such as Story Mapping, Relative Sizing, and time-boxing their delivery in Sprints.
  • Boost transparency and the self-organizing principle of teams by tracking work as cards on a common Execution Board and using the Standup Wizard daily.
  • Inspect and adapt regularly using the Burndown Chart, Sprint Velocity, Release Burnup, Value VS Non-Value Added Trend, and many more.
  • Visualize progress in different ways by using the % Progress column on the Execution Board, Timeline View, or multi-dimensional Project Health analytics.

Card Types List

  • Theme: Track main objectives and help to maintain alignment when you create Epics, Features, and User Stories as child workitems.
  • Epic: Track different goals of the product that need to be fulfilled.
  • Feature: Epics are meant to track specific areas that provide tangible value to the customer.
  • User Story: Provide value to a user that can be delivered in a single sprint.
  • Technical Story: Meant to overcome challenges or to do a technical spike to improve underlying technology.
  • Defects: Also known as bugs that are meant to track errors or flaws in the Product that do not meet the requirements or block the user from using the Product to derive the intended value.
  • Adhoc Work: Track any unplanned work that needs to be done by the team while working on a Release or Sprint that doesn’t fit the intent of a Story Change Request or Defect but needs to be part of the Release or Sprint scope.
  • Action Items: Track any planned work that needs to be done by the team while working on a Release or Sprint that is needed to deliver the Story/ Defect resolution.
  • Issues: Track any problems faced by the end-user to gain value from the product.
  • Risks: Track any possible risks that may threaten the development of the working Product.
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