This article will familiarize you with the overview, interpretation, configuration, and best use of the Release Burnup chart.
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The Release Burnup widget shows the work completed against the planned scope in a release and helps you monitor the likelihood of completing the work by the due date and what action required to avoid any scope creep. The Burnup is measured in points or count of workitems completed till date.
Along with the Release name, this widget shows summary like Actual Effort in points or count or the projected spillover if the system identifies any scope creep. In case of spillover, the widget also prescribes by what % you need to complete the remaining work faster to ensure zero spillover.
Moreover, the total workitem count line in the Release Burnup Chart gives you the visual cue of the total count of workitems tagged to the Release on any particular day during its schedule.
To plot a Release Burnup chart, perform the following steps:
1. Open Analytics Builder and go to Standard Widgets. Click the Release Burnup from the Agile Analytics group of metrics.
2. The Setting page appears where you can specify the settings for the widget:
Widget name: Modify the name, if required.
Data Criteria
1. Select Workitem Type: Selects the type of workitems from the drop-down that is to be displayed on the chart.
2. Select Release: Select the release for which you want to plot the widget.
3. Exclude non-working days: Select this option to ignore all the non-working days set using the project calendar. The summary will then be displayed and the release burnup chart will be generated based on the working days only.
Note: The first time you plot the burnup chart, by default the Exclude Non-working Days option is selected.
4. Show data labels: Select this option to show the labels on the chart.
Dimension and settings
5. Left Y-axis: Select the Attribute, Unit of Measurement, and chart type in which you want to plot data on the left Y-axis of the widget.
6. Right Y-axis: By default, the Attribute is set as the Workitem count, the Unit of Measurement is set as points and the chart type is set as a Line chart for the right Y-axis of the widget. Turn the toggle on to enable the settings for the Right Y axis.
A burnup chart gives an overview of the progress of work over time while completing a project.
For each project, Y-axis displays the estimate statistics (Estimate (Points)/Workitem Count) and the X-axis displays the release duration. Each bar represents the amount of work completed on each day of the release till the current day.
The Ideal Burnup depicts the rate at which the work needs to be completed in the ‘ideal’ scenario. It is a straight line that intercepts the X-axis at zero showing the remaining work to be done. It gradually increases to total work(Count/ Estimate(Points)) over the release.
Note: If no workitems are tagged to the sprint on the sprint start date or the end of Sprint Planning date set for the Sprint then on whichever next date workitems are tagged to the sprint, those workitems will be considered for the Ideal Burnup computation.
Hovering over any of the Ideal or Actual data points, a vertical line intersecting both is displayed along with their values.
Note: As the X- axis represents the release duration, only the workitem(s) having Date Closed within that duration are shown in the chart.
Burnup With Workitem Count
In case you would like to view the burnup in comparison with the workitem count, then you need to enable the Workitem Count also in the Display Analytics field in Settings (see the section on Configuration). Once you enable it, the chart starts showing the second Y-axis (on the right side) depicting the range of workitems. The chart also shows a purple line adjoining the data points of of total count of workitems tagged to the release (for which you have plotted the data) from the release start date to the current date ( for a current release) or to the release close date (for a previous release).
Hovering over any data point, a vertical line intersecting Ideal Burnup, Actual (in case of line chart) and Workitem Count is displayed along with their values.
- Release: Shows the name of the release on which the burnup has been plotted.
- Remaining: Shows the remaining Points/Counts as per the current day [If projected spillover is zero].
- Projected Spillover: Amount of work that will be spilled over in the release based on your current burnup.
- Improve burnup by x% to avoid spillover: Prescribes by what % you need to improve the card closure to ensure zero spill over.
The Projected Spillover and x% is calculated in the following ways:
- Projected Spillover = Current Remaining Effort to burn up – (Current Burnup X Remaining Days of the Release)
- x%= (Required Burnup – Current Burnup) X100 / Current Burnup
Current Burnup = (Estimated Effort to be burnt up – Current Burnt up Effort)/Number of Release Days Elapsed
Required Burnup = Current Remaining Effort to be burnt / Remaining Calendar Days of the Release
If x% =>5%, then only the Projected Spillover and Improve burnup by x% to avoid spillover summaries will be shown and Remaining will not be shown.
If x% <5%, then only Remaining will be shown and Projected Spillover and Improve burnup by x% to avoid spillover summaries will not be shown.
All the summaries are calculated on daily basis.
Best Use
If the completed work line is below the Ideal line, it means that there is more work left than the predicted work and the release is running behind the schedule. Similarly, if the completed work is above than ideal burndown line then there is less work left and project is running ahead of the schedule.
If your team is off of your schedule, you need to go back and look at the accuracy of your estimates compared to the time to complete them.
Moreover, with the Workitem Count line showing on the chart, you can compare the progress of burn up with the number of workitems assigned to the release on a given day and decide if you need to accelerate the card closure rate.