If you are new to Nimble, this is the place to get started.

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Simple Level Capabilities

Medium Level Capabilities

Advance Level Capabilities

For getting you familiar with Nimble we have provided you with a flow that will take you through the Simple to Advance level features. Also, if the training cards are no longer available on the execution Board then you can revisit the training card details here. Let’s get you started!

Simple Level Capabilities

Get Familiar with Nimble Interface

Familiarize yourself with Nimble interface elements and various modules available.

Quick Start with Execution Board

In Execution Board, you will be able to visualize your work in terms of the Lanes of an Execution Board, set WIP (Work-In-Progress) limits, and much more. Alternatively, you may just use the default workflow we provide.

Invite Users

After sign-up for the product, you will need team members to contribute to the project based on their roles and responsibilities. So, start adding team members to your project.

Add Workitems and Assign Card Owners

Add workitems to the Execution Board, assign card owners to the workitems, drag-n-drop through the defined lanes to indicate progress, block/unblock cards to indicate impediments, and use numerous other features available to manage your work visually.

Create ToDos/Task

ToDos/Tasks are integral parts of a Workitem. It empowers you to break down the bigger task into granular elements.

Social Collaboration at Nimble Café

Socially collaborate at Nimble Café where multiple users or groups interact and share information to achieve common goals.

Medium Level Capabilities

Set up Your Team

A feature to ease the activity of assigning team members to a workflow stage project-specific.

Define Your Backlog

You may also create your backlog items, prioritize those and then add them to Execution Board.

Plan Releases

Define releases and tag backlog items to the releases, based on the release plan. If you don’t plan delivery in multiple releases then you may skip this step as well.

Advance Level Capabilities

Story Mapping: Painting The Big Picture Of Your Product’s User Stories

Use this technique to outline a new product or a new feature for an existing product.

External Work Requests

Create a form using this feature to collect information from your users and integrate them with our system.

Automate Your Activities Using Business Rules

Define the basic rules that automatically keep your Boards updated, giving you more time to do your real work.

Getting to Know the Analytics Feature

Personalize your Analytics view using various widgets and track progress.

Getting Started with Task and its Capabilities 

Divide the scope of the project into multiple concurrent or time-phased streams of activity.

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